The Lab

Posts Tagged ‘funny

Yet another fun conversation with Nutty MaGee:

Nutty MaGee: “So do you know what the donut situation is?” (indicating to donut box on the desk reserved for interns)

Me: “Yes, I brought those in for me interns as a ‘thank-you’ for cleaning the lab last week”

Nutty MaGee: (awkward pause) “Sooo… do you think they’d want me to have one?”

Me: (awkward pause) “Um, you should probably ask them”

Nutty MaGee: (overly enthusiastic and happy) “OOOHH, You ALWAYS know what to do!  That’s why we have you!!” (bounces away)

social niceties cartoons, social niceties cartoon, social niceties picture, social niceties pictures, social niceties image, social niceties images, social niceties illustration, social niceties illustrations

Working in a lab, you tend to find yourself surrounded by smart, yet painfully under-socialized, folks.  My crew are very dedicated to their research.  Button pushing, staring at blinking lights, and blowing up stuff leaves less time for maintaining relationships with real people and not just the voices in your head.   Plus it can be hard to maintain a social life when you work so many hours.

However, since we occasionally need to work with actual people, it helps to come out of the proverbial bubble now and then.  At times I think this may be why I was hired.  Not because of my 8 years as a lab rat or my fabulous analytical skills, but because I have the ability to converse with other human beings (although I prefer speaking to cats).  That, and I’m adorable *tosses hair, bats eyes*.

One of my favorite activities is organizing work outings and other social events.  We don’t screw around enough to be unproductive, but enough to relieve stress.  “Work hard, play hard” is one of our Overlord’s mottos.  Usually there will be certain signs when it’s time for a play-date.  Folks will talk to themselves (more than usual) and even start answering themselves.  Some of the more shy ones will begin to make eye contact and give you ‘that look’.  Kinda like a puppy that needs to go outside to pee and doesn’t know how to ask.  Then there’s the tell-tale eye twitch.  Having a lab full of twitchy people is dangerous, distracting, and just plain unattractive.   Full-out muscle twitches are not as common, so when I see them it’s a pretty good indication that someone’s self-medicating on home-made Valium (but they never share!!).  Incidents of crying in the bathroom will increase so that trying to use the facilities becomes disturbing.

Once these signs are present, I make a few phone calls and see who I can blackmail a budget from.  I must say, our outings are the envy of all the other departments.  We’ve gone on Duck Tours, played at F1 racing in Boston, taken an Odyssey Boston Harbor cruise, and popped down to Newport, RI for a mansion tour and dinner train.

boston duck tour

Our Boston Duck Tour Boat and Guide (“The Joker”)

F1 racing

F1 Racing

RI mansions

Newport Mansions

newport train

Newport, RI
Dinner Train

Other departments are usually regulated to performing volunteer work.  Now we have a company-wide outing to 6 Flags (hehehe, I had a hand in that too), so those departments don’t have to be sad anymore.

Sometimes we’ll have a potluck lunch.  T’is pretty awesome.  We have so many people from different nationalities that the food is very diverse.  And plentiful – we’ll offer nom noms to other departments as bribes for when we need them to do our bidding.

Some of the said noms:

mmmmmm, desserts!

mmmmmm, desserts!

Flan and Creme Brule

Flan and Creme Brule




Salad, Fruit, and Veggie Bar


Grilled marinated chicken kabobs

Deviled eggs

Deviled Eggs


Greek Soup

As a bonus, I have found the crew really loves to play Bingo.  Lots.  They get so excited, especially when there are prizes.  One holiday party we were going to opt for a Yankee gift swap instead of Bingo, but everyone got so sad about missing Bingo.  So we did both.  And it was a big hit.

snowy bingo

Holiday Themed Bingo!

yankee gift swap

Yankee Gift Swap: sooo many shiney packages!


yankee gift swap gift

Sponge Bob Chia completes me.

Everyone was getting together and laughing / talking.  *sniffles, wipes tear away* I was so proud…  Afterwards I saw a group of ~20 people having an actual social conversation that didn’t involve work.  Actually, I think it was about puppies hoovering weird stuff like underwear, but whatever works!

Later this spring when the weather warms up I’d like to get everyone over to Purgatory Chasm in Sutton.

We’ve been there before on a half-day, but that was in late summer when it was very hot.  This time it might be better to go while it’s still cool in the season.  Maybe walk the trails and get some exercise.  Lately the only time we get outside and see the sun is when someone pulls the fire alarm.  Love that guy, he’s awesome.

I’ve also heard of Watson Adventures holding scavenger hunts at places like the Museum of Fine Arts.  It sounds like good harmless fun, plus if it rains we can still play.

Anyone have any group outing ideas for the MA area?  Preferably something that wouldn’t cause an injury or involve sharp objects (killing lab rats is frowned upon).

Day 1

Posted on: April 11, 2013

A while back I worked on a project  that required me to be in close quarters with Nutty MaGee for 2 weeks.  Veeeery long hours (15+ per day).  My fellow lab rats sent me messages on a daily basis to check in and make sure I was still alive.  I decided to reply in the form of ‘Cat’s Diary’ (

It is day 1 of my captivity. One of my captors forces me to look at pictures of her cats, torturing me by repeating the same phrase over and over every few moments: (the one eyed cat) “is such a good girl… such a good girl…”
She entertains herself by delivering a five minute monologue on the virtues of wrigley gum – how amazing and delicious it is, how long it lasts, and how it gives her much PLEASURE
Another captor spits on my rations as i attempt to consume them.  He claims it post-nasal drip and accidental, but I believe he does this to contaminate my food with disease or poison.
Further tortures include making loud and sudden sounds periodically to startle me.  My bladder remains in control, but I do not know how much longer it can endure.
I have developed an eye twitch, but must force myself to control it so as not to let on that the torture is working.  I have had little opportunity to escape my prison, though have found temporary reprieve by hiding in the ladies bathroom.


There is much fun to be had with dry ice.  Here are some tips:

1) Adding water to dry ice can make a fun fog.  Good for Halloween displays!  Just make sure you play with it in a well ventilated area because suffocation is kinda bad (no inhaling fog for you!)Foggy Pumpkin Fun

2) Adding water and soap to dry ice makes bubbles that pop fog.  I recommend doing this in the sink.  And make sure you put the dry ice in a container to stop it from going down the drain.  Frozen / bursting pipes, while potentially funny, are a mess to clean and fix.


3) Sealing up dry ice with a little water in a plastic container is a quick and easy way of making a dry ice bomb.  But play if safe and let the container explode in a trash can.  Plastic bits embedded in your flesh can be pesky.  Erm, and warn the folks around you of your intentions.  This gives people time to run for cover and reduces the number of pants-wetting incidents.  hehehe…

My boss (Overlord D) and I were working in lab a while back.  Unfortunately, that week I was also working along side my evil nemesis.   The Evil One, or ‘Nutty MaGee’ as we call her, is ruled by Overlord D as well, so sometimes we are on the same projects.  I try to avoid being around Nutty when possible.

Nutty MaGee has quite the bevy of emotional issues.  She can also have trouble focusing on the job.  These are not really problems (we all have those days), but when you toss in her mean personality you have to deal with sabotaged experiments, crying over things that happened 20 years ago, and general (yet massive) brain farting.  Put that with management’s lack of management and you have a recipe for disaster.  Or at least a good story.

During this particular week I was in close quarters with Nutty MaGee and hence there were many fun conversations to be had.  Many of them are still stuck in my mind (god help me) with great clarity.  The following was definitely one of my favorites:

Me: Hey Overlord D, both pieces of equipment are finished doing their thing, so I’d like to clean them.

Overlord D: OK, but check with Nutty MaGee first to make sure we don’t have anything else set up for that equipment

Me: Hey Nutty MaGee, after these machines are done, do we have anything else set up for them?

Nutty MaGee: (pauses, staring at the machines)

Me: I’m asking because they’ve finished and I’d like to clean them.  Overlord D thought I should check with you first

Nutty MaGee: (still thinking about it)   Sooo… what….

Overlord D to Nutty MaGee: Is there anything else programmed for these machines?

Nutty MaGee to Me: I’m thinking about what you’re asking me… I’m processing your question….

(Overlord D and I try to clarify at the same time, obviously confusing Nutty MaGee further)

Nutty MaGee: I’m processing your question

(I start to giggle)

Nutty MaGee: I’m processing –

Me: Process Nutty MaGee, process! (giggling)

Nutty MaGee: (pauses, miffed) – your question

Me: Process faster

Nutty MaGee: What was your question?