The Lab

Posts Tagged ‘funny

A colleague posted his farewell e-mail today (1/28/15).  Had to share!!


Dear Colleagues;

My last day here at [redacted] is this Friday the 30th  and I had a really hard time drafting my retirement letter , so I need my colleagues to help me fill in the blanks.

After ___[1]___, I have decided to leave [redacted] in order to ___[2]___.  While this was not an easy decision for me, ___[3]___.  I have ___[4]___ my time here and will___[5]___.  [redacted] has been ___[6]___ and I will always ___[7]___.  I look forward to___[8]___ and wish you all ___[9]___.  Until ___[10]___, I bid you all adieu.



a.    thoughtful consideration

b.    the flip of an “Massachusetts” commemorative quarter

c.    years of searching for a way out

d.    a couple shots of Wild Turkey

e.    recovering from my bout of amnesia and remembering I never went to Engineering school



a.    accept an in-house position as a Walmart Greeter

b.    pursue an acting career

c.    abandon my alter-ego and devote all my time to my super hero duties

d.    live off the generosity of others (i.e. Deborah)

e.    be able to sleep till 9am every morning



a.    I feel it is the right one

b.    the Magic Eight Ball is never wrong

c.    it wasn’t exactly rocket science either

d.    it was easier than hanging around until somebody realized I wasn’t doing anything

e.    stock options are hard to resist



a.    thoroughly enjoyed

b.   cautiously endured

c.    already forgotten most of

d.    surfed the internet a lot during

e.    miraculously survived



a.    miss all of you I have come to know

b.    never look back

c.    remember the little people I crawled over on my way to the top

d.    miss the free booze

e.    eagerly await the tears of sorrow when you hear I am leaving



a.    a great place to learn bio-technology from some of the best

b.    very punctual with my pay checks

c.    a benevolent master to this flying monkey

d.    by far the best Company I’ve ever worked for

e.    the source of my indigestion. Oh wait that is the cafeteria food



a.    value my experience here

b.    be thankful I wasn’t fired for …..(hehe)

c.    keep garlic and a crucifix nearby

d.    think back fondly when using my frequent flyer miles

e.    believe the children are our future



a.    playing golf with many of you in the future

b.    getting out of here alive

c.    retirement

d.    the next episode of The Apprentice

e.    being the summer help (wa-ha-ha-ha)



a. the best of luck in your future endeavors

b.    had gotten me a going away gift

c.    would have a drink with me someday

d.    were coming with me

e.    could appreciate how funny this memo is



a.    our paths cross again

b.    I lose in the stock market and come begging for my job back

c.    hell freezes over

d.    the next team-sponsored event with an open bar

e.    I need a competent lawyer to fix something I’ve screwed up

1) Your co-worker is a cat.  In a suit.  Suit-wearing cats can’t lick their own butts.  It drives them slowly insane.  Beware.

2) Your co-worker is a Zombie.  ‘Nuff said.

3) Your co-worker has certain problems with personal boundaries.  (Bathroom stalls are generally meant for one adult at a time, a declaration that you are leaving for the day is not an open invitation for your colleagues to come with you, and you shouldn’t have to share your gym clothes if you don’t want to).

4) Your co-worker has brought his/her mom to work to explain his/her mental issues.

5) Your co-worker calls you at home to talk about his/her personal issues, usually in regards to how lonely he/she is (“Mr Meowy McPants didn’t say hi to me today!!!”), and spends at least half an hour crying.

6) Your co-worker calls you at home at midnight to talk about his/her personal issues.

7) Your co-worker tells you “You’re sooo pretty!” and insists on daily 5-minute hugs.  With or without your voluntary participation.

8) Your co-worker leaves you and your other colleagues brochures for a device that allows a woman to pee standing up, along with a sticky note of personal tips for use.

9) Your co-worker has ammunition delivered to the office.

10) Your co-worker wears clothing stained with blood (Refer to #2)

11) Your co-worker eats lithium for lunch.  And it does NOTHING.

My boss once told us: “Don’t come back to work drunk”

He also told us to feel free to interpret that any way we wanted.

So naturally, we took it to mean, “Go out to lunch, have a few, and take off the rest of the day off!”   (I should have prefaced this by mentioning that our boss has no qualms with inebriation)

With our boss’s blessing (and reassurance that he has a bail fund ready), myself and some of the lab rats have indulged during lunch.  And after a few (too many), we tend to get all philosophical…or at least, some silly drunken version of philosophy happens…  This has led to several major – albeit temporary – epiphanies on my part:

1) We need a sign to count the days since our last event of nonsense.  Like the kind that track the number of days since the last safety / health violation.  Only better and more fun.  Plus, it’s more efficient to have a sign do my counting than try to count in my head.  Which hurts.  But that might be the hangover.

6 Days snice our last nonsense! #theoffice #jim #dwight

2) I love EVERYONE (Even Nutty MaGee!).  There’s so much love it makes my head want to explode with sparkles and unicorns and butterflies!

(Note: Feelings of affection and general well-being decrease exponentially as sobriety increases)

3) Goats would be a great way to cut the vast expanse of grass outside the lab window:  Goats are cheaper than using a lawn service.  Because you don’t have to pay goats.

Further, having goats would provide us with entertainment.

Plus, since goats eat anything, they could also double as paper shredders.  Which would reduce electricity costs.

And we could use goat poo to fertilize stuff.

Heck, maybe we could even use some of the facility land as a goat shelter for homeless goats.

In short, I’m pretty sure having goats at work would help us save the world.

4) Stuffing Tribbles into the machines at work is a brilliant idea

( .

If you’re not familiar with Tribbles, they are cute, fuzzy little critters from Star Trek that like to breed and clog up machines with their cute selves.

And they make purr sounds.

So naturally I must get more than the one I currently have.  And clog up ALL the machines.  Clog them with cuteness!  Mwahahahaaa!

5) Chocolate is a vegetable:

Chocolate is made with sugar and cocoa beans –> sugar and cocoa beans come from a plant –> plants are vegetables –> vegetables are healthy –> chocolate is a vegetable so eat more of it

6) So many epiphanies, so little short term memory.  What was I doing?….


Posted on: May 2, 2013

Holy Squirrel Cage Batman!  It’s spring in MA!!

Even the lab rats have been sneaking out at lunch to see the sun (it DOES still exist!)

To celebrate the warm weather returning (and for no good reason), Here’s the Llama song!

The Llama Song

The following is based on true events

It’s afternoon in the office.  Four of us are quietly working away in our cubicles, when all of a sudden all hell breaks loose:

Me: Fire One! (lets one rip)

Ike: Uh oh, loading torpedoes!!! (pauses) Fire Two!! (belches)

Me: (I’m giggling, so another one slips loose) whups, fire three!

Meerkat: Ewwwwww! You guys!!!!

Me: Tee-hee!

Ike: (innocently) What?

(Suddenly a strange smell begins to permeate the room)

Meerkat: (sniffing) Oh my god, was that YOU?  It smells like something died!

Me:  I don’t smell anything.  Besides, it couldn’t be me.  My farts smell like rainbows and flowers and unicorns.

Ike: Kinda smells like fish.  And maybe sour milk

Me: (the smell finally reaches me, my eyes begin to tear up) Guys, what IS that?

Ike: Al, do you smell that?

(No response)

Ike: Al?

(No response)

Me: AL!!!

Al: Huh?  What?  Sorry, Ipod.

Ike: Do you smell anything?

Al: Oh yeah, I just heated up my lunch

Meerkat: Oh my god, what are you eating?

Al: Just some left overs

Me: (feeling nauseated) What is it?

Al: Um, some fish and rice and veggies and stuff kinda thrown together

Ike: (Peers over his cubicle wall) Dude, is that milk?  And sardines?  What have you got in there?

Al: Yeah, milk and stuff.

Meerkat: It smells rotten!

Al: Well it’s been sitting out

Ike: Wait, you didn’t refrigerate it?

Al: No but it’s OK because I microwaved it.

Meerkat: How long has it been out for?

Al: Um, only a couple of days I guess

Ike: You sure you wanna eat that?

Me: Ok, we need to evacuate (begins to dry heave, runs out into hallway)

Ike: Run awaaay!

Al: (lets one rip) *tiny voice* excuse me!

Prior to the stat of a group meeting, the lab rats were discussing what music we would put on a playlist if we had our own soundtrack.  Here’s what we came up with:

1) Weird Science (Oingo Boingo) 

2) They’re Coming to Take me Away, Ha Ha (Napoleon XIV)

3) Somebody’s Watching Me (Rockwell & Michael Jackson) 

4) All by Myself (Celine Dion) – for those long, lonely work nights – 

5) Creep (Radiohead) 

6) Skullcrusher Mountain (written / sung by Jonathan Coulton) 

7) Still Alive – from Portal – (written by Jonathan Coulton / sung by Ellen McLane) 

8) Pinky and the Brain Theme 

9) Team America: I’m so Ronery 

A fellow lab rat sent me this and I thought I’d share:

The 6 Phases of work

Phase 1

You are listening to jazz
Your first day at work is great.
Your co-workers are wonderful, your cubicle is cute, and your boss is the best!

Phase 2

You are listening to pop music
After a while you are so busy that you are not sure if you’re coming or going anymore.

Phase 3

You are listening to heavy metal
This is what you feel like at month end.

Phase 4

You are listening to hip hop
You become bloated due to stress, feel sluggish and suffer from constipation.
Your coworkers are too cheerful for your liking and the walls of your cubicle are closing in.
You have started thinking “WHATEVER” about your boss

Phase 5

You are listening to GANGSTA RAP
After more time passes, your eyes start to twitch, you forget what a “good hair day”
feels like as you just fall out of bed and load up on caffeine.

Phase 6

You are listening to the voices in your head
You have built a makeshift door on your cubicle to keep people out,
you have a dartboard with your boss’s picture on it in your cube,
you wonder why you are even here in the first place.


After an awesome holiday potluck lunch, a large group of lab rats had gathered round in the main office to chat and swap stories.  Meerkat was telling us about her new puppy.  He’s a Doberman nicknamed Schmoo (aka Sergent Kaiser McBarkstein) and he’s all full of puppy power and friskiness.  Hence lots of adorable puppy stories.

On this particular day Meerkat was late for work because she was checking around for anything Schmooey could get into (or had already gotten into).  To her horror, she found he had managed to knock over her hamper.  While he was romping around in dirty clothes, he hoovered underwear and socks (don’t worry, he was OK).  Meerkat tried to wrestle her last thong from him but he managed to eat it before she could get it away from him.

At this point in Meerkat’s story, Nutty MaGee bounces up from her chair and rushes over to our group:

Nutty MaGee: (overly enthusiastic)  Wanna hear about MY thong?  Hey – hey Meerkat, wanna hear about my THONG?  Common, who wants to hear about my thong!?

(Long awkward silence)

Overlord S (one of the Bosses Three):  No one wants to hear about your flip flops, Nutty

Nutty MaGee: You don’t?  Oh common, no one wants to hear about my thong?

Me: Nope

(Several lab rats start to giggle)

Meerkat: *singing* thong, tha-thong, thong, thong!

(More giggling – Nutty MaGee leaves in a huff)

After Nutty left, she went to Overlord D (another of the Bosses Three, and Nutty’s direct report) and told her Meerkat and Overlord S were having inappropriate conversations.  Per procedure, Overlord D had to notify the Big Cheese Overlord (the manager) of said wickedness and debauchery.

This actually backfired on Nutty.  When the Big Cheese came to investigate, the other 15-20 other people there, including the third boss, gave their side of the story.  T’was not in her favor.  Also, it is well known that Nutty MaGee hates Meerkat and Overlord S, so it just looked like Nutty was trying to harass them.

As a side note, if you were wondering why we were insensitive to Nutty MaGee’s issue over our conversation topic, it’s because on many occasions she has forced us to listen to her TMI stories.   The kind you tell your close friends.  She shares them with complete strangers.  My first week in, I had to listen to stories of the illicit / drunken threesomes she’s been in, sometimes involving drugs and other swinger couples.  Then there was that time she had a massive crap-attack at Walmart, complete with descriptions of what the walls looked like after (and she kept shopping by the way).  And should you try (god help you) to tell her you are uncomfortable or that you’d prefer not to hear it, you are either met with days of passive aggressive behavior or sneaky backstabbing / sabotage.  Neither of which you can prove.  And neither of which is worth it.

So.  The moral of the story is: if you say thong at work, make sure you mean flip flops… no, wait… um…put prune juice in your crazy coworker’s tea… well, funny, but no….Ah yes: “Karma’s a Bitch” (plus that thing about the prune juice)

Meerkat and I were chatting about her new puppy, Schmoo:

Me: “Mmmhmm, so then what happened?”

Meerkat:  “Well, Schmooey was all feisty and then he –“

(Nutty MaGee walks in.  All conversation dies)

Me: (wondering to myself) maybe if we ignore it, it will go away. 

(awkward silence)

Me: “Sooo… about Schmooey”

Meerkat: “Right… as I was saying –“

Nutty MaGee:  (interrupts) “I have to make an appointment for my cat.”

Me: *blink blink*

Meerkat: *blink blink*

Nutty MaGee:  “An eye appointment.”

Me: *blink blink*

Meerkat: *blink blink*

Nutty MaGee: “For the cat with one eye.”

Meerkat: “So, um, do you get half off the price?”

I shared “Predator: The Musical!” with my interns.  To my surprise they actually learned some of it.  For about a week I would walk into lab and they’d start singing:

And just to make it better, we also found we love “Robocop: The Musical” as well.